Presented by SFMade and Coblentz – attorneys Karen Frank, Brandi Brown and Lindsay Gehman discuss hot topics in fashion manufacturing.
Thursday, February 19, 2015 | 6:00 – 8:00pm
Do you use or plan to use “Made in USA” on your product labels? Following a recent California court ruling, manufacturers and retailers run some risk when using the “Made in USA” claim. Join our panel of savvy apparel attorneys from the Coblentz law firm to discuss the new Made in USA laws, and other common legal questions around intellectual property and social media in the fashion field.
• Hear about federal and California laws regarding the Made in USA claim
• Learn about different ways to protect your fashion works: Copyright; Trademark; Patent
• Learn what is fair and what is not in use of other parties’ content in your designs and on your website
• Identify legal Issues you should know about when using social media
Sign up and see further event details here.