• 2023 Housing Legislation Overview – Major Signed and Pending Bills

    The 2023 California Legislative Session, which closed on September 14, was dominated yet again by efforts to address the state’s continued housing crisis. For the last several years, we have written about many bills enacted with the goal of increasing housing production. Although these efforts have helped move the state toward its housing goals, the practical results—new units of housing built—have been slower to materialize than many have hoped.

    This lesson has not been lost on pro-housing legislators, who broadly focused their efforts this session on removing barriers to achieving those results: targeting excessive CEQA review (AB 1633 and AB 1307), streamlining housing development and discretionary post-entitlement permitting (SB 423 and AB 1114), and enforcing a state-imposed streamlined process for general plan-compliant projects (AB 821).

    This post focuses on the key housing-related bills that have already been signed by Governor Newsom, or are, at the time of this publication, awaiting the Governor’s signature. He has until October 14 to either sign or veto the bills remaining on his desk.

    Targeted CEQA Reforms to Increase Housing Production

    AB 1633 (Ting) [Holding Jurisdictions Accountable for Abusing the CEQA Review Process] – The premise of AB 1633 is simple: local jurisdictions must not use CEQA to delay zoning-compliant housing projects. The Housing Accountability Act (HAA) prevents local jurisdictions from disapproving or reducing the density of housing projects that comply with zoning and the Permit Streamlining Act provides strict timelines within which local jurisdictions must approve or deny projects. But neither law restricts a local jurisdiction from unreasonably delaying a project’s CEQA review.

    AB 1633 intends to close this loophole. To do so, the law bolsters the HAA’s definition of “disapprove the housing development project” to include any instance in which a local government:

    • fails to make a determination of whether the project is exempt from CEQA or commits an abuse of discretion; or
    • fails to adopt a negative declaration or addendum, certify an environmental impact report, or approve another comparable environmental document for the project, if certain conditions are satisfied.

    After an applicant notifies a local jurisdiction of a failure to take CEQA action, the jurisdiction has a 90-day period to make a CEQA determination, which can be extended in limited circumstances, but not indefinitely. And unlike other recent pro-housing bills giving developers the power to streamline CEQA (e.g., AB 2011 and SB 35), AB 1633 is not limited to projects with affordable units or special labor commitments.

    Instead, the law would apply to infill projects with at least 15 dwelling units per acre (i.e., townhome or rowhouse projects, or denser). Project sites must meet SB 35’s extensive environmental criteria, which exclude sites on sensitive environmental areas, such as wetlands, flood zones, and hazardous waste sites, among others.

    As with other violations of the Housing Accountability Act, a local jurisdiction can be liable for attorney’s fees and potentially penalties if it violates AB 1633. At the other end of the spectrum, the bill also makes it more difficult for project opponents to recover attorney’s fees when challenging housing projects, in most cases prohibiting the award of attorney’s fees if a local jurisdiction acted in good faith when approving a housing project. AB 1633 sunsets on January 1, 2031 unless extended.

    AB 1307 (Wicks) [Providing More CEQA Certainty and Clearing Roadblocks to University Housing] – Earlier this year, the First District Court of Appeal in Make U.C. a Good Neighbor v. Regents of University of California held that the University of California must analyze “the potential noise impacts relating to loud student parties” as part of the CEQA analysis for the proposed student housing project at Berkeley’s People’s Park. Although noise is one of the original environmental impacts under CEQA, the requirement to analyze noise generated by residents of a housing development was a novel reading of the law. That decision is now pending before the California Supreme Court.

    AB 1307 responds directly to this court ruling and effectively eliminates the “people as pollution” argument under CEQA by stating that noise generated by residential project occupants and their guests, “is not a significant effect on the environment.” In addition, AB 1307 helps clear the way for more than 1,200 units of U.C. housing at People’s Park and will streamline other housing development at California Community Colleges, California State Universities, and other U.C. campuses by eliminating the requirement that these institutions consider alternatives to the location of a residential or mixed-use housing project if: (1) the project is located on a site smaller than 5 acres that is substantially surrounded by qualified urban uses, and (2) the project has already been evaluated in the environmental impact report for the institution’s most recent long-range development plan.

    On September 7, the Governor signed AB 1307 into law, which took immediate effect as an urgency statute to address California’s housing crisis.

    Streamlining Development and Post-Entitlement Permitting

    SB 423 (Wiener) [Updating the SB 35 Ministerial Process for Mixed-Use and Multifamily Projects] – This bill both extends and expands the reach of SB 35, a groundbreaking 2017 law that has primarily been used by affordable housing developers to obtain ministerial approvals on an expedited schedule, without CEQA review, for projects consistent with objective zoning and design standards. Projects can use State Density Bonus Law to obtain relief from objective standards and still take advantage of SB 35, creating a powerful combination.

    SB 423 effectively reduces the amount of onsite affordable units needed to qualify for SB 35 in certain jurisdictions from 50% of project units to just 10%, opening the door for more mixed-income projects. To qualify, projects must pay prevailing wages, and must use skilled and trained workforces for projects exceeding 85’ in height.

    The reduction to 10% affordable will happen at different times in different jurisdictions, but generally will occur in four phases: (1) January 1, 2024, for jurisdictions without a compliant Housing Element, until compliance is achieved; (2) mid-2024, for San Francisco specifically; (3) 2025 for Southern California jurisdictions with a compliant Housing Element that are not making adequate progress toward their market rate Regional Housing Needs Allocation (“RHNA”) goals; and (4) 2027 for other Bay Area jurisdictions not making adequate progress toward their market rate RHNA goals. Because the 6th Cycle RHNA numbers are so high, many, if not most, jurisdictions likely will not be making adequate progress during these timeframes. A brief table introducing these timelines is below:

    Council of Governments 6th Cycle Housing Element Planning Period  

    Earliest SB 35 Recategorization
    (6th Cycle half-way point)

    ABAG (Bay Area) 1/31/23–1/31/31 2027 (excluding San Francisco, which is mid-2024)
    SCAG (Los Angeles) 10/15/21–10/15/29 2025
    SANDAG (San Diego) 4/30/21–4/30/29 2025


    HCD tracks Housing Element progress for all jurisdictions, which can be found here. As more jurisdictions change to 10% affordable for SB 35 eligibility, the permitting process for many housing projects could change radically. This is particularly true in jurisdictions such as San Francisco where the use of union labor on large projects is common.

    AB 1114 (Haney) [Streamlining San Francisco’s Discretionary Post-Entitlement Permitting] – We previously wrote about AB 1114, which targets appeals of San Francisco post-entitlement building permits for housing projects. The bill builds on AB 2234, a bill that applied strict review timelines statewide for local jurisdiction response to and issuance of non-discretionary post-entitlement building permits. AB 1114 targets San Francisco’s unique discretionary post-entitlement building permit process, applying AB 2234’s review and issuance timelines and blocking appeals of building permits for projects that are, “at least two-thirds residential.”

    Currently in San Francisco, only projects that have received a Conditional Use Authorization from the Planning Commission are protected from post-entitlement building permit appeals to the Board of Appeals. Expanding this protection to all San Francisco housing projects is particularly important in the context of expanded use of non-discretionary entitlement processes under SB 35/423. One inspiration for the bill was 2550 Irving Street, a 90-unit affordable housing project in the Sunset District, which was approved under SB 35 quickly, but was then subjected to multiple building permit appeals. Without a Conditional Use Authorization, the project had no protection from such appeals, but would be protected under AB 1114. San Francisco has historically had the longest processing times for post-entitlement permits. However, because such permits would now be non-discretionary, they will be subject to the strict review timelines in AB 2234.

    State Mandates on Local Planning and Zoning

    AB 821 (Grayson) [Enforcing a Streamlined Process for General Plan-Compliant Projects] –State law requires that the zoning ordinances of a city or county be consistent with its general plan. If a zoning ordinance is amended in a manner that makes it inconsistent with a local jurisdiction’s general plan, state law allows residents and property owners to take the jurisdiction to court to enforce compliance with the law. However, if the local jurisdiction amends its general plan in a manner that makes it inconsistent with the zoning ordinance, there is currently no built-in enforcement mechanism.

    To address this issue, AB 821 requires that if a development application is submitted for certain projects consistent with the general plan, the local jurisdiction must either make the zoning ordinance consistent with the general plan within 180 days from the receipt of the development application, or if it does not do so, the local jurisdiction must process the development application based on the general plan and any zoning provisions that are not inconsistent. AB 821 also provides a legal remedy for residents and property owners to ensure compliance with these requirements. The key for this bill is that it allows general plan-compliant projects to move forward in a timely manner and removes the possibility of a protracted local rezoning process that can stymie housing production. It is noteworthy that AB 821 is not limited to housing projects.

    The Coblentz Real Estate Team has extensive experience with the state’s latest housing laws, including SB 35, AB 2011, SB 6, the Housing Accountability Act, the Permit Streamlining Act, and Density Bonus Law, and can help to navigate the laws’ complexities and opportunities. Please contact us for additional information and any questions related to the impact of these new bills on land use and real estate development.

    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To: September 2023

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    California and Beyond

    Categories: Blogs
  • San Francisco’s “Housing Fee Reform Plan” Passes at Board of Supervisors, Awaits Mayor’s Signature

    On September 5, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors finally passed on second reading two pieces of legislation, together referred to as the “Housing Fee Reform Plan.” The Plan, previously discussed on July 7, July 21, and July 31, plays a key role in implementing Mayor Breed’s “Housing For All” Executive Directive, reducing inclusionary housing requirements and development impact fees for both new and pipeline projects. The Plan also reactivates an expired fee deferral program, establishes a stable, 2% fee escalation rate, and locks in impact fee types and rates at the time of project approval.

    The Inclusionary Housing Technical Advisory Committee (the “TAC”), together with the Controller, analyzed the feasibility of the City’s inclusionary housing requirements and provided a report informing the Plan’s new, reduced inclusionary housing requirements. Under the legislation, the TAC is required to convene again no later than January 1, 2026.

    Although there is optimism that the Plan will help jumpstart both new and stalled housing projects, multifamily development feasibility still largely depends on market forces outside of City control, such as interest rates and construction costs.

    The Mayor has 10 days to sign the Housing Fee Reform Plan, and the ordinances become effective 30 days thereafter.

    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening to: August 2023

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    Bay Area

    California and Beyond

    Categories: Blogs
  • San Francisco Housing Fee Reform Plan Passes at Board of Supervisors

    On July 25, the Board of Supervisors passed on first reading the “Housing Fee Reform Plan” legislation (see previous posts here and here). The Board is expected to hold a second reading and finally pass the legislation in September after returning from summer recess.

    The legislation consists of two ordinances. To help jumpstart housing production in the City, the inclusionary housing ordinance reduces inclusionary housing percentages and fees for certain new and pipeline projects of 25 or more units, and provides a temporary 33% reduction in the amount of other development impact fees for new and pipeline projects that can meet certain timing deadlines. The impact fee reform legislation establishes a 2% fee escalation rate, locks in the types and rates of impact fees at project approval, and reactivates an expired fee deferral program.

    As discussed at the Board, market factors such as construction costs and interest rates will largely determine whether the legislation can unlock new housing. Developers of both housing and commercial projects should take note of the impact fee reform legislation, which makes major changes to San Francisco’s fee regime, but has received less attention than the inclusionary housing ordinance.

    The Planning Commission had recommended eliminating development impact fees for changes of use, and applying the inclusionary housing percentage reductions to smaller, 10-24 unit projects. These changes were not adopted by the Board, but the Land Use and Transportation Committee created a copy of the inclusionary housing ordinance by duplicating the file, allowing for further discussions and potential amendments to that ordinance in the fall.


    Categories: Blogs
  • San Francisco Inclusionary Housing and Development Impact Fee Reform Legislation Nears Passage at Board of Supervisors

    The “Housing Fee Reform Plan” legislation, which we reported on previously, is heading back to the Board of Supervisors next week. On Monday, July 24, the Board’s Land Use and Transportation Committee will consider the two ordinances, which cover inclusionary housing changes and impact fee reform. Committee Chair Melgar has deemed the ordinances urgent and has requested that they go to the full Board as committee reports the following day, Tuesday, July 25.

    Most attention has been paid to the inclusionary housing legislation, which reduces inclusionary percentages for pipeline and new residential projects with 25 or more units, to 12% on-site for pipeline projects, and 15% on-site for new projects approved between November 2023 and November 2026. On July 13, the Planning Commission recommended approval with modifications to apply the inclusionary reductions to smaller projects, along with other timing and technical changes. These changes can be considered by the Board next week.

    After the original introduction of the impact fee reform legislation, Mayor Breed introduced a substituted version that revised the impact fee waiver provisions for downtown projects containing certain non-residential uses. In the prior version of the ordinance, these projects were eligible for impact fee waivers for a three-year period if they were in the C-2 District, were between 20,000 and 200,000 square feet, were on vacant or underdeveloped sites, contained no residential uses, and contained all of the following uses:  hotel, restaurant, bar, outdoor activity, and entertainment. In the substituted version, projects in the C-2 and C-3 Districts are eligible, the project size and vacant/underdeveloped site requirements have been eliminated, and a project need only contain one of the non-residential uses mentioned above. In addition, the substituted version eliminates the requirement to have no residential uses in the fee waiver-eligible project.

    Whether this change will help spur broader investment in downtown projects is unclear, as the impact fee waiver only applies to the area of a specific non-residential use. For example, an office project with a ground floor restaurant would only receive a waiver for the restaurant, and not the office, square footage. The Planning Commission has also recommended approval of the impact fee reform ordinance, with a proposed modification to eliminate all development impact fees for changes of use throughout the Planning Code. If implemented by the Board, this would be a significant change and could remove one barrier to certain conversion projects.

    We will provide a further update after the Board’s expected actions next week.

    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening to: July 10, 2023

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco

    California and Beyond

    Categories: Blogs
  • Legislation Introduced to Reduce San Francisco Inclusionary Housing Requirements and Reform Development Impact Fees

    In furtherance of Mayor London Breed’s “Housing For All” Executive Order issued in February (see earlier post here) and San Francisco’s daunting directive to produce 82,000 new housing units over the next 8 years (see earlier posts here and here), at the June 27, 2023, Board of Supervisors hearing, Mayor Breed and Board President Peskin introduced two pieces of legislation, together referred to as the “Housing Fee Reform Plan.” To reduce financial roadblocks to “pipeline,” or already approved but unbuilt residential projects, and to incentivize new projects, the legislation would temporarily reduce inclusionary housing requirements and would reduce and reform other City development impact fees, including through reactivation of a dormant impact fee deferral program. The proposed Housing Fee Reform Plan comes on the heels of the City’s other efforts to incentivize Downtown commercial to residential adaptive reuse projects. (See earlier posts here and here.)

    Key provisions of the legislation, which is expected to be considered at the Planning Commission on July 13 and at the Land Use and Transportation Committee shortly thereafter, are as follows:

    Inclusionary Housing Legislation (legislation here)

    For pipeline residential and live/work projects (both rental and ownership) consisting of 25 units or more that have been finally approved, but have not obtained a building permit or paid development impact fees prior to November 1, 2023:

    1. 12% on-site inclusionary requirement (8% low-income, 2% moderate-income, 2% middle-income).
    2. 16.4% in-lieu fee or off-site inclusionary requirement (9.4% low-income, 4% moderate-income, 3% middle-income).
    3. Separate provisions would apply to projects located in areas with specific affordable housing requirements, providing a proportional reduction to those requirements.

    For new residential and live/work projects (both rental and ownership) consisting of 25 units or more that are finally approved between November 1, 2023 and November 1, 2026:

    1. 15% on-site inclusionary requirement (10% low-income, 2.5% moderate-income, 2.5% middle-income).
    2. 20.5% in-lieu fee or off-site inclusionary requirement.
    3. Separate provisions would apply to projects located in areas with specific affordable housing requirements, providing a proportional reduction to those requirements.
    4. Newly approved projects must obtain a First Construction Document within 30 months of Final Approval.

    For both pipeline and new projects that meet the specified timeframes, a temporary fee reduction program would provide a 33% impact fee reduction for most fees (not including inclusionary housing fees) assessed on or before November 1, 2026.

    Impact Fee Reform Legislation (legislation here)

    The Housing Fee Reform Plan also includes various reform measures intended to provide more certainty regarding fees, as follows:

    1. Establishes a 2% annual escalation rate for development impact fees, not including inclusionary fees.
    2. Locks in the types and rates of applicable development impact fees, generally protecting against new fees and increases to existing fees between Planning Commission project approval and issuance of building permits.
    3. Reactivates the expired fee deferral program, to allow project sponsors to defer 80–85% of development impact fee payments (not including inclusionary housing fees) from building permit issuance to no later than the first certificate of occupancy (typically a TCO).

    We will continue to monitor these pieces of legislation and the City’s other housing production plans and Downtown revitalization efforts.

    Categories: Blogs
  • Legislation to Incentivize Commercial to Residential Adaptive Reuse Projects Moves Forward

    At the June 13, 2023 Board of Supervisors hearing, the “Commercial to Residential Adaptive Reuse and Downtown Economic Revitalization” legislation was introduced. The legislation would amend various Planning Code sections to facilitate office to residential conversions for qualifying “Adaptive Reuse Projects.” (See earlier post here.) The Board of Supervisors will subsequently consider the companion “Development Impact Fees for Commercial to Residential Adaptive Reuse Projects” legislation, which would waive all development impact fees for Adaptive Reuse projects, except for inclusionary housing requirements. As noted in SPUR’s office to residential conversion report, to which Coblentz provided input, Planning Code amendments and waivers of development impact fees will help make conversions more feasible, but tax abatements or incentives and reductions in inclusionary housing requirements will likely also be necessary.

    The legislation incorporates the following key amendments that were recommended by the Planning Commission: a waiver of Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM) requirements for Adaptive Reuse Projects and an increase in the amount of additional space that Adaptive Reuse Projects may include (up to 33% of the existing Gross Floor Area (GFA), instead of 20% GFA and maximum of one story as originally proposed). It also includes an  amendment recommended by the Land Use and Transportation Committee to exclude conversions of commercial use to hotel use from the definition of “Adaptive Reuse Projects.”

    We will continue to monitor these pieces of legislation and the City’s other housing production plans and Downtown revitalization efforts.

    Categories: Blogs
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening to: June 2, 2023

    A roundup of news and multimedia from the Unfamiliar Terrain team:

    San Francisco


    Bay Area

    California and Beyond

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