Energy windmill

Renewable Energy

California is home to some of the world’s most innovative alternative energy solutions. And a vibrant and successful renewable energy business requires a law firm like ours with particular experience in a variety of practice areas that work together to contribute to that success, including real estate and land use, construction, tax, corporate transactions, intellectual property, and litigation. That’s why, as opportunities have developed over the last several years in renewable energy and green technologies, companies taking advantage of those opportunities have wanted Coblentz by their side as they navigate the often complex regulatory environment that governs many aspects of the field.

At Coblentz, we’re proud to work with both the entrepreneurs breaking new ground in this rapidly evolving area, as well as with the existing businesses seeking to incorporate green principles and technologies into their ventures and products. Bringing together experienced attorneys from a variety of our firm’s practices, we advise companies on green building, renewable energy development, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance, project finance, tax, and policy formation and advocacy.

We share our clients’ belief that a successful business depends on a healthy environment. Our firm is certified as a “green business” by the Bay Area Green Business Program and our attorneys and staff are committed to incorporating environmental stewardship into our business practices.