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Six Coblentz Partners and Three Practices Ranked in Chambers USA 2023

Six Coblentz partners and three practices have been recognized by Chambers & Partners in the 2023 edition of Chambers USA. Real estate and land use partners Harry O’Brien and Tay Via are listed as leading lawyers in the Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use – California category, real estate partner Alan Gennis is listed as a leading lawyer in the Real Estate – Northern California category, litigation partners Timothy Crudo and Rees Morgan are listed in the Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations – California category, and Employment partner Fred Alvarez is listed in the Labor & Employment – California category.

Independent and objective, Chambers USA is carefully researched and widely considered to be the most reputable law firm directory in the world. Ranking criteria include technical legal ability, client service, commercial vision and business understanding, diligence, depth of the team, value for money, and other qualities most valued by legal clients.

Real Estate & Land Use

Coblentz’s real estate and land use practice is again ranked by the Chambers USA 2023 Guide in the top tier, Band 1, in the Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use category for California. Our land use practice has been continuously ranked by Chambers for 13 years and our real estate practice is ranked by the Chambers USA 2023 Guide in Band 3 in the Real Estate category for Northern California. Chambers notes that our “prominent real estate practice offer[s] particular strength in obtaining land use, zoning and environmental approvals for development projects,” with “notable healthcare, technology and real estate investment companies among its clients.” Three real estate and land use partners received individual rankings.

Harry O’Brien is again ranked as a Leading Lawyer in Band 3 in the Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use – California category. Chambers notes that Harry “is well respected for his handling of a wide spectrum of real estate matters, ranging from land use to transactional issues. He has significant experience advising clients on acquisitions, entitlements and CEQA compliance.” Harry has been recognized by Chambers since 2003.

Tay Via is again ranked as a Leading Lawyer in Band 4 in the Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use – California. Chambers notes that Tay “works with market-leading companies…on land use and other real estate aspects of large development projects.” Tay has been recognized by Chambers since 2022.

Alan Gennis is again ranked as a Leading Lawyer in Band 2 in the Real Estate – Northern California category. Chambers notes that Alan “is recognized for his significant experience handling real estate transactions, such as acquisitions and joint ventures. He also advises on entitlements and due diligence, including providing counsel on mixed-use and office development projects.” Alan has been recognized by Chambers since 2018.


Coblentz’s white collar defense and investigations practice is ranked by the Chambers USA 2023 Guide in Band 4 in the Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations category for California. A client notes the team is “capable of handling their client’s cases with ease – diving deep into the matters, simplifying the complex issues and preparing effective defense strategies. They strive for excellent client service and show a real passion for their clients.” Another remarks, “They are a really business-savvy firm, who consistently deliver results.” Two litigation partners also received individual rankings in the category.

Timothy Crudo moved up in the rankings and is now ranked as a Leading Lawyers in Band 2 in the Litigation: White Collar Crime & Government Investigations category for California. A client notes, “Timothy is a consummate professional, who is great in court and experienced in getting fantastic results for his clients.” Another client raves, “He is an incredibly experienced lawyer, who has gained the respect of both sides of the Bar.” Tim has been recognized by Chambers since 2016.

Rees Morgan moved up in the rankings and is now ranked as a Leading Lawyer in Band 4 in the Litigation: White Collar Crime & Government Investigations category for California. “Rees shows deep legal skill and professionalism. He fights incredibly hard for his clients, exceeding their expectations each time,” notes a client. Another client notes, “He is a very gifted lawyer. When it comes to oral arguments, he shows real clarity, slickness and style.” Rees has been recognized by Chambers since 2021.


Employment partner Fred Alvarez is recognized as a Senior Statesperson in California in the Labor & Employment category. “He’s really nimble and able to follow the best path for his client, which gets him the best result,” raves one client. Another notes, “He has an incredible depth of experience and subject matter expertise.” Fred has been recognized by Chambers for the past 20 years.

To view the complete list of Coblentz rankings in the 2023 edition of Chambers USA, please visit the publication’s website linked here.